Tuesday, June 26, 2012

It takes Bravery and Courage to Follow God

Hello Dear Ones,
  I hope things are going well as you continue to seek God’s purpose for your life. It is very important to be living our lives in the way God has planned. Doing our own thing will not reap a harvest worthy of bringing God honor and glory. It will not be blessed by God. If we do live everyday doing God’s will, we are bringing God glory and honor in all we do. But don’t think that these actions for the good are going to go unnoticed. Our enemy, Satan, hates us and will try anything to keep us from serving God. He will even use the people closest to us to discourage us from moving forward in what ever God has for us to do. Will we stop our work because we are discouraged or fearful, or will we continue even in the face of opposition and serve God with bravery and courage? I have chosen courage and bravery on many occasions, I hope you do to.
  After the 70 years of exile in Babylon as punishment for abandoning the one true God, 50,000 Israelites returned to Israel and Judah under the leadership of a fellow Israelite, Zerubbabel. Shortly after returning home, they began building the foundation for the Temple of God. This was a declaration to God that they had returned to Him whole heartedly. They were also given orders to build the Temple by King Darius. But the enemies of Israel did not want them rebuilding the Temple. These enemies started causing problems and making life hard for the Israelites. But the Israelites continued working and rejected every form of discouragement that was thrown at them. Only after their enemies persuaded the King of Persia to make them halt their work, by telling him lies about their intentions, did they stop their work. They spent several years in discouragement until two prophets spoke to the Israelites on God’s behalf. These words of encouragement from Haggai and Zechariah helped Zerubbabel to be encouraged in serving God once again and to start working towards re-building the Temple of the Lord. Again in the face of opposition, the Israelites along with the prophets working beside them, continued their work. They were able to complete the Temple and with help from God, won back the favor of the King of Persia. God put these men together to build the Temple, encourage one another, and protect each other as they served Him faithfully.
  We all have something if not many things, that God desires us to do in service. Think of it as training and growing in the gifts He has given us. If we don’t see and do His will and purposes for our life, then we become out of shape and of little use to God. Are you inspired to do something that would bring glory to God, but you’re not sure? It could be God encouraging you to do something for Him that in turn will help you grow spiritually and to learn to trust Him. The most important part is to understand what God desires of you, and that His blessing is on it. Do what God has called you to do, and stay determined in the task no matter how tough things get; there will be days when things get really hard, to the point of wanting to give up. Believe me, there will be many influences that will whisper that it would be easier to just give up, because they don’t want you to do the work of God. Remember, always make sure what God’s will is, and then stick to it no matter how powerful the opposition. We must all remember, that if God is blessing the task, He will always provide us with encouragement, provision, wisdom, and courage to make it through the tough times.
  There are many examples I could use from my life of how my work for God was opposed by people, but I will tell you about a powerful friendship that was opposed by the Enemy directly. For the first several years of our friendship there were many things that happened that showed how different the two of us were. We are all different, and we have to learn to love someone even in our differences. The thing I remember on several occasions, was hearing the Enemy suggest to me to leave this friend when things were sticky between us. But praise God, the Spirit of truth always came along behind the negative suggestions and encouraged me that God put us together and that I needed to stick it out. I am grateful that I listened to the Spirit of truth, because that friend is now the closest and most beautiful friend I have ever had. God knew all along that we would grow and mature together much like the Proverb that says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one man/woman sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17  So you see, our relationship has been opposed ever since God put us together. Even though we didn’t know all the plans God had for us in serving Him, God knew and our Enemy knew as well. I am so blessed to have this person as my friend in Christ. I hope everyone reading this letter has the opportunity in their lives to have a relationship as loving and honest as ours is, which is a gift from God.
  “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” Colossians 3:24
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged because the king of Assyria and the vast army with him, for there is a greater power with us than with him. With him is only the arm of flesh, but with us is the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles.” 2Chronicles 32:7-8
“If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very Words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen. 1Peter 4:11
  Remember, there is always hope in our situation when the Lord declares it and provides a path for it. There is always hope!
  We will continue reading Ezra for two more weeks.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Honor God with Your Life

Hello Dear Children of the Most High God
  With faith and love, anything is possible. I hope these two beautiful and inspiring traits are a strong part of your life. When they are, there is no limit to what God can do in your life!
“This is what King Hezekiah did throughout Judah, doing what was good and upright and faithful before the Lord his God. In everything that he undertook in the service of God’s temple and in obedience to the law and commands, he sought his God and worked wholeheartedly. And he prospered.2Chronicles 31:20-21
  Good, faithful and upright; these are some of the character traits of a true follower of God. God’s children must walk before Him, and everyone around them in this way. When they do, God will lead them to grow in a deeper relationship with Him. There is no measurement of the depth of God or His wisdom, it is infinite. Let’s desire to live like Jesus did by walking humbly before Him every day. God will take notice.
  He sought his God and worked wholeheartedly -- In everything we do, God desires for each of us to take the time to ask Him what He wants us to do in every situation of our lives. When we understand what He wants of us, we should have a deep desire to do His will; no matter what it is or if it takes us out of our comfort zone. This should bring us confidence not fear, for God will always faithfully lead His children safely down the straight path of their lives. This path is safer and filled with opportunities for spiritual growth. Who doesn’t want that?
  And so he prospered -- Money is not the only definition of prosperous. It also means, “enjoying vigorous and healthy growth.” God deeply desires for all His children to step out in faith and be willing to reach for God and receive all He wants to teach us. This will probably be uncomfortable at first, but the harvest that will be reaped from it will be worth the difficulties. We all know King Hezekiah was prosperous financially and spiritually. The most important thing in life is to, “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” Deuteronomy 6:5
When we do this faithfully, we will be given the complete desire to seek God’s will in everything we do because we trust God will lead us in everything that is good and upright. This is where the fear of the Lord is practiced. There should be a healthy fear of being outside of God’s will, because we know this is where insecurity, uncertainty, fear and danger lies. Like me, I hope you have a healthy fear of being outside of the Lord’s will. If you do, you are blessed with the gift and desire to follow Jesus in all your ways.
  I am not sure when my fear of the Lord developed, but this is very strong in me and I am most grateful. This is what keeps me on track and walking straight in the path with the Lord. This is what helps me discern what is good and what is evil in this world. Through my healthy fear and obedience to God, I am able to do things that are not really what I want to do, but I know that God has called me to do the task. I will do it faithfully because my God and Savior has called me to do this. He then blesses me with little gifts while doing this task that helps me find the joy that I need at the time. I am so grateful for such a faithful and loving God who loves me, His daughter.
 “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your ways to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.” Psalm 37:4-5
“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him. Fear the Lord, you His saints, for those who fear him lack nothing. The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. Come my children, listen to Me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord.” Psalm 34:8-11
“Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on His law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.” Psalm 1:1-3
  There is a pattern that we can learn about God here. When we desire to walk with God in all His ways, which is a gift from God, then He will take notice of us and He will make a way for us to grow even more for His purposes and for His Kingdom! I don’t know how that makes your heart feel, but that makes my heart jump for joy to be able to serve my King in heaven and to be useful in so many ways!!
  We will now be reading the book of Ezra for three weeks.

Monday, June 11, 2012

God's Call to Personal Revival

Hello Loved Ones of God      
  How are my fellow brothers and sisters this week? I hope you are staying strong and focused on Jesus each day. Depending on where you live in this wonderful country, the temperature sure is starting to really heat up! I hope your spiritual temperature is heating up as well. Hopefully you are already steaming hot, and on fire for God through His Son Jesus Christ! If you are already steaming hot, you have already experienced your own personal revival as you grow and mature in your relationship with God. God desires for us to step out of our comfortable Christian lives. He equips us to respond when He calls us, from being cold or lukewarm in our spiritual lives, to hot and on fire for Him! Will we respond faithfully, or stay comfortable?
  In 2Chronicles 30, After purifying the Lord’s Temple, King Hezekiah, called all Israel to come and return to God; to celebrate the Passover of the Lord, the God of Israel. When the couriers went out to all Israel, some responded by laughing and mocking at the King. But some humbled themselves and came to Israel to celebrate the Passover with their brothers. Those who joined in the celebration experienced great rejoicing and reconciliation with God.
  Even today, God calls each of us to turn away from the sinful influences of this world, and turn to Him for all we need. This includes Christians who may be comfortable but are not serving God’s purposes and will for their lives. The people who respond to God’s call and step out in faith, even when it is uncomfortable, are truly blessed. They are the ones who will trust God in what ever He asks of them. Each time they trust God and walk in faith before Him, they grow stronger spiritually. The stronger they get, the more they desire to serve God in all His ways, and they become so on fire for God, that there is nothing that can put out that fire! When God’s children respond to His call, they are set apart for Him. Just as the potter works and squeezes and presses on the pot or jar, we too need God’s hand on us to shape us up. As we allow our lives to be submitted to God, He can then continually shape each person into His beautiful creation He originally intended for them. Remember even the pot, once it is done being shaped, then goes through the furnace. This is where God slowly clears out all the sin and hurt in our lives, making us even purer and stronger for Him, just like the clay jar. If we don’t respond to God’s call for our lives, we will miss out on these many wonderful opportunities to grow spiritually.
  Once we respond to God’s call, He will work out in our lives the right people who love God, to come into our lives to help us serve God better. These strong relationships with other Christians who are called to work with us are priceless. As we grow together to serve God’s purposes we grow even stronger as servants of God.
  I am so grateful for God’s great love for me and for the beautiful way He wooed me and loved me to Himself; which caused me to accept His call for my life, and enter into this wonderful relationship with Him. But it didn’t stop there. As I grew, God was working behind the scenes, in the lives of other people whom He would call to work with me in our service for Him. In God’s perfect timing, He brought us together. Then with God’s help, we began to grow even more. Over several years we have become a strong fellowship who loves each other. With each of our individual gifts, we are able to help each other as we do the work of God for His Kingdom. I don’t know about you, but a year or so before this happed, when I read about others who served God as a fellowship, I deeply desired that for myself. I praise God for working so powerfully in my life in this way.
  How about you? Is God calling you to step out of your comfort zone and step into His individually designed purposes for your life? If so, the first step you can do is follow as He guides you. Then keep following His guidance and you will see your faith grow and your spiritual growth increase until you look back and see that you are no longer that comfortable Christian. You are on fire for God because you love Him deeply; even more than your life. Remember, there is no one, not even God, who can take this step for you. You must make that decision for yourself and then faithfully follow the One who gave up everything to save you. Then as you grow, when you know what God desires of you, even if it is difficult, you desire nothing else but to receive His help to accomplish the task He has asked of you. This life brings great joy in just knowing that you are serving your Savior and Lord.     
“Whoever serves Me must follow Me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves Me.” John12:26
“If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for Me will find it.” Matthew 16:24-25
“Put your trust in the Light while you still have it, so that you may become sons of Light. John 12:36
Ask God to help you sense His leading in your life. Then, when you sense His leading, follow it whole heartedly. Remember, stay true to God by testing everything by His Word the Holy Bible, then you will keep from following anything false. Rest in His perfect will for your life as He leads you where you could have never imagined; fulfilling your deepest desires, that God created in you.
Let’s read 2Chronicles 25-36 for one more week.
Love Tricia

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Know God's Word, Know God's Truth!

Hello Dear Ones,
  I hope you are doing well this week and that you are falling more and more in love with the Lord, every day as you learn more about Him. When we read the Holy Bible, pray, and meditate on His Word daily we will fall in love with God’s truth, because we belong to the Truth.
  The person who belongs to the Truth is someone who has been saved by Jesus. They are drawn to read His Word, so they can keep the truth of God in their hearts. “I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You.” Psalm 119:11. It was a wonderful moment when I realized that the Word of God is truly God’s Word and that it is the authority of God in all truth and righteousness. I then understood that whatever I felt was right or wrong, or what I believed, had to be tested by the authority of God’s Word.  I didn’t know I was sinning against God until I heard someone teach from the Bible about sin. One of the things he mentioned was my sin. In God’s perfect timing the Holy Spirit convicted me of my sin, and that is when I repented and asked Jesus to save me. We can’t know we are sinning against God unless we learn about what God says is right or wrong. God is greatly pleased when we desire to read His Word and learn about His truth. So get into God’s Word daily and learn God’s truth for your life.
  It is so important for the believer to read God’s Word daily; to pray and seek God’s will for their lives. We do that by walking in the Spirit of God every day, in all we do. As we walk in the Holy Spirit daily we are strengthened to resist the temptations of the world, so we can daily follow God in His righteousness. We can only receive this strength when we love and worship God in His truth.
  As we walk daily with God, by faith we believe that as we talk to Him, He will talk to us. This is how a relationship with God becomes one that brings Him great glory and honor. Either we do or don't have the faith to believe that God talks to us; that’s our choice. But if we choose to not believe that God speaks, His voice will be diminished in our lives, and our ability to be used by Him becomes limited.
  I desire the greater gifts and I desire to bring God as much glory and honor as He will allow me to in my life time. I hope you have that desire too. Living with a heart for God in all you do, say and think is possible when you know the truth about God because you know God’s Word.
  “Jesus answered, “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6
“This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” 1Timothy 2:4
“…whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God.” John 3:21
“If you love Me, you will obey what I command. And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever – the Spirit of Truth.” John 14:15
  Open your hearts to God’s Word and all that is in it. The Bible is relevant to our lives today, and God desires to use us as He used His servants, whose stories are written in God’s Word. God put those stories in the Bible to teach us, and give us examples of how He wants to use us and bless us. God is the same true God when Adam met Him in the Garden as He is today, the question is do we have the faith to let God use us as He sees fit to use us?
Join me as we read 2Chronicles 25-36 for two weeks.