Monday, July 30, 2012

God is Our Provider and Sustainer

Hello Dear Ones
  I hope that you are enjoying your summer, and the worries of the future are not something you carry around, but that you have given them to God.
  God calls each of us to depend on Him each day of our lives. He desires for us to rest in His loving arms and seek Him for all our needs. He will provide for us in His perfect timing, if we depend on Him to provide. When we strive to provide for our own needs in our own strength we are dishonoring God because He desires for us to depend on Him to provide. God will not honor the efforts of the flesh. He will honor our efforts when they are done according to His will and guidance. As we walk each day with Jesus, we need to be always aware of His Presence, and ready to do His will when He leads. Each time we are obedient, we are honoring God with our lives. We can be confident that His plans and provision for us will work out in His perfect timing. Keep seeking His face and His will every day, and leave the rest up to Him.
  The Israelites were forsaking God’s law to rest on the Sabbath day. They were doing work and making money instead of resting and trusting God to provide for their needs. Nehemiah had to use great measures to get this to stop. The people didn’t know how to rest for one day and trust God to provide for their needs. Their blessings were limited because they were not being obedient to God in this way. The reform that Nehemiah applied helped Israel to be purified of self reliance and disobedience. He saw that the people needed to make these changes to follow after God; and they needed to maintain the direction of obedience.
  Each day as I continue growing in my loving relationship with Jesus, and learning from Him many times a week, I have learned to depend in Him more than people. During my journal time, as I talk with Him each day, and seek His will for my life in even the tiniest of things, I grow stronger in my dependence on Him. Then my confidence in Him alone becomes all I really need. Just today, I was distressed over a situation that troubles my heart. I wanted to panic, and talk to my friends about it, but instead I turned to Jesus to talk to Him through my journaling. I told Him the two situations that were bothering me and patiently and lovingly Jesus told me how to handle the situations the next time, and to trust Him to lead me after that. I finished my time with Jesus, calm and resting in His loving arms again, right where He wants me.
This is where Jesus wants all of us, but first we must learn to seek His face every day to learn to depend in Him. It’s hard to depend on someone you don’t really trust with every decision in your life. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord. Jeremiah 29:11-14
    Won’t you seek God and His will everyday, starting today? God is patiently waiting to be a part of your life in a bigger way.
“Do not let your hearts be troubled, trust in God; trust also in Me.” John 14:1
“My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken.” Psalm 62:1-2
“Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30
  Praying each of you desire in your hearts to know Jesus in the intimate way He longs for you to know Him. Walk the rest of your life with Him as first in your life; right where He belongs.
  We will now begin reading the Book of Esther for three weeks.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Worship God in Spirit and in Truth

Hello Dear Ones,
  I hope everyone is doing well each day, with all the many demands we have on our lives. I hope you are able to slow down each day for a time, to reflect on God’s love for you. Let His Holy Spirit move your heart to worship Him in spirit and in truth. This will keep your heart humble before God each day as you live for Him.
  Worship of God is our response to God for all He has done for us and those we love. The more we know God, the more we love and adore Him. As we seek Him more everyday, He is faithful to teach us more about His vast love and affection for us. Then we are given the ability to see how He is working in our lives. It is an awesome thing to find out that Jesus has been with us all our life, patiently waiting for the perfect timing for our heart to receive His love and conviction of sin that leads to repentance and salvation. Once He has control of our life, the praise, and worship intensifies because we then walk in His grace and protection. The heart felt gratitude that comes from this great love that He shows us is so intense, worship is the only way to truly express it to God. To know that we have nothing to fear in life or in death is so comforting. To know that our lives are in His hands and nothing comes to us unless it passes through God’s hands and He allows it, for His purpose. Oh I praise God for His vast and immense love for all mankind.
  Nehemiah was a strong leader who depended on God and His provision to help the exiles in Judah become more secure from outside invasions. Nehemiah also helped the people become stronger in their walk with God which was a great inspiration to the people. After the wall was finished, Nehemiah gathered the people to listen to Ezra read God’s law. Hearing God’s law, caused the people to see their sin, and tremble before the living God. They humbled themselves and repented of their sins. The people renewed their covenant with God and promised to change their lives and live for God according to His law. They saw the truth in God’s law and were filled with praise and worship of their Father in Heaven for His great patience and forgiveness of their sinful ways. They acknowledged many of the great things God had done throughout the history of their people up to that time; naming each thing and seeing where God was gracious and caring, never abandoning His people for very long.
  True worship of the living God is my greatest desire. When I was a new believer I desired to understand God and His love for me. This is not something I can do on my own. It is a gift from God to those who desire in their hearts to know Him in a deeper way. For many years I didn’t understand what it was like to truly know Jesus in an intimate way, and worship Him from my heart. Then I began to read about other people like Billy Graham and their experiences with God and the many things they were given to do for His Kingdom, and I desired to be able to serve God like that. I praise God daily for how lovingly He has brought me up to where I am now, and for the wonderful tasks He has given me to do in service to Him over the years. These things may not be well known like those of Billy Graham, but to God they are just as important. I rejoice with all my heart that God has found favor in me to give me the gifts to do all that He has called me to do. I know that my part is to be obedient to His call and use the gifts He has given me.
  How about you? Do you desire to seek God with all your heart, to know Him in an intimate and loving way? If you do, God will be faithful to show you His great love for you with care and patience. The love and life He will show you will awaken your heart to know Him as He intended for you to know Him. If you already experience this deep relationship with God through Jesus Christ, then praise God. If you desire more, seek God in your heart and He will show you the path to know Him, love Him, and worship Him with your whole heart for the rest of your life and for eternity.
  “God is Spirit, and His worshippers must worship Him in Spirit and in truth.” John 4:24
  “Come let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for He is our God and we are the people of His pasture, the flock under Him care.” Psalm 95:6
  “Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise His Holy name. Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits – who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” Psalm 103:1-5
  Let’s praise and worship God, for all He has done for each of us and what He will do for us, with all our hearts.
  We will be reading the book of Nehemiah for one more week.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

God is Patient with His Children

Hello Faithful Followers of Jesus Christ,
  I hope everyone is doing well this week, and you’re seeing God working in your life daily. Everything we go through in life, God uses to teach us and grow us up for His purposes, if we are following Him. Some of us may not feel like we are doing much right now for His Kingdom, but have faith that He is working in each of our lives.
  This work He is doing in us is slow, gentle, and patient training of us to be the strong and mature Christian He desires us to be. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t seem to be useful to God where you are right now. Most likely, you are serving God in some way, but you may not be aware of it. Many of the gifts God gave you to serve Him with are already a part of your character and personality. God knows who you are in Him, so trust Him to reveal this to you and train you up for His purposes.
  The most important thing we as believers can do is read God’s Word daily. We need to share our whole life with God as we talk to Him from our heart everyday, as often as we can because God is always listening to His children. Then listen for His guidance. It is also very important to stay connected to a good Bible believing church where there is fellowship within the body of Christ. When we are obedient in these things, God will take care of the rest, in His timing.
When we submit our will and our life to God, we are giving Him everything; then He is able to steer us in the direction He desires for us, and as we grow through His leading, we will become prepared to do whatever He gives us to do. To the world these tasks may seem impossible, but remember, nothing is impossible for God. When we walk with God in obedience, we are given the ability to do the impossible because God gives us everything we need to do what ever He calls us to do.
  Nehemiah was a common person, who responded to God’s call to service because he kept a close walk with God in all he did. God called Nehemiah at the right time and showed him the perilous condition of Jerusalem and so Nehemiah prayed to God for guidance. Nehemiah was lead by God to go to Jerusalem and rebuild the wall around it so the city was more secure. Once arriving in Jerusalem Nehemiah started working on the wall with help from many of the Priests and Levites who served in God’s Temple. Nehemiah showed great leadership as he sought God’s help in everything he did. He came across opposition twice but Nehemiah remained calm and persisted in his work and service to God. Since he was doing as God called him to do, the wall was built in record time. Even those who were causing the resistance couldn’t deny that God was with them. In all this Nehemiah remained humble before God because he knew that only in God’s strength the impossible can be possible.
  I find great peace knowing that God is in control of my life. As I live each day for Him, there are amazing things He shows me and does through me daily and weekly. My greatest desire is to walk very closely with Jesus through my life and depending on Him for all my needs and desires. I delight in knowing that I get to serve and worship Jesus each day as I walk in His Holy presence. In His timing, He calls me to do tasks that glorify Him and help other members of the body of Christ. He leads me to give at the perfect time when someone is in need, and to say something to someone else with His guidance, that encourages that person. There are many things God does through me. I love His gentle patience with me in my weaknesses and flaws. Because I humbly come before God in repentance of my bad decisions, He always lovingly picks me up after a mistake and helps me understand where I went wrong and how to change. Then He is faithful to give me another chance to go through a similar situation to give me a chance to learn and grow. This has been a big part of how I have grown through the years. If I didn’t have a close relationship with God through Jesus Christ, this would not be an easy thing to do. There would be many times that I would be unable to understand what He is doing through me and I might miss something or get frustrated. This is why God desires that all His children seek His face in all we do, and then we will know Him and follow Him as He greatly desires each of us to do.
“He is patient with you…” 2Peter 3:9
“My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when He rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines those He loves, and he punishes everyone He accepts as a son.” Hebrews 12:5
“Show me You ways, O Lord, teach me Your paths; guide me in Your truth and teach me, for You are God my Savior, and my hope is in You all day long.”
Psalm 25:4-5
  There is great joy when God calls us to serve Him. Immeasurable joy!
  We will be reading the book of Nehemiah for two more weeks.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Allow God to Purify Our Hearts

Hello Dear Readers,
  I hope you are doing well this week. I hope God is blessing you with a desire for that deeper more intimate relationship with Him. Does it sometimes feel like that desire is going nowhere? That you don’t seem to be getting closer to God? I can understand, and it can be frustrating, especially when He has put that desire in our hearts, and we are not sure what to do with it. I hope you are encouraged by this letter, because when we purify our hearts before God, of any sin in our lives, the Holy Spirit will show you what it is, we are clearing out the obstacles that stand between us and God.
  Children of the Most High God, walk each day in this world, but not of this world. If we humble ourselves and walk each day separated to God, we will be taught by the Holy Spirit to purify ourselves of all unrighteousness. But if we remain stubborn in our hearts, we will grieve the Holy Spirit because we are resistant to His work in our hearts. I pray that we all would daily seek God with humble hearts. That we would desire to walk pure in heart before Him, by purifying our hearts according to God’s commands from His Word.
  God restored the Israelites to Judah because they had turned to God in their captivity and God restored them to Himself. Many years had passed after returning to Judah, when Ezra who was committed to study, follow, and teach God’s Word, found out that many of the Israelites had not been living for God in following all His commands. Greatly grieved by this, Ezra desperately prayed and pleaded for them before God with sobbing and anguish. Many of the people came and confessed their sin and made a covenant with God to purify themselves, and their families of this sin. Before long, all of Israel made the same commitment before God. The righteousness of Ezra shined brightly before Israel, so they were able to see their sin and repent and reestablish their relationship with God.
  The Holy Spirit has been working in my life to purify me and help me see my sin ever since I was born again in July 2003. My first experience I am aware of was a day or so after my conversion. I was driving by myself, when I thought about something that made me stress out instantly, and then I said the “s” word. Right after that I felt a gentle but precise tap on the back of my head. I then realized I had sinned against God and instantly repented to Him. I believe I felt this because I was still young in my faith and not yet in tune to the inner promptings of God’s Holy Spirit as I am now. But as time passed I could sense that some of the other things I once did before receiving Jesus, were no longer acceptable, because they did not honor God. If I continued doing them I would be disregarding the inner prompting I had in my heart to grow in God’s ways, holy and pure before Him and only Him. So as I learned about each thing in my life that needed to change, God gave me the ability and security to make that change in my heart, my daily life, and interactions with others. I remember many occasions of having discussions about controversial issues with someone. At first I believed whatever they told me that they believed. God helped me by providentially using materials He provided me, and having me talk to others who followed God’s Word. I began learning the truth according to God’s Word. This took time to grow in confidence during these types of discussions. During those discussions I could sense the Holy Spirit correcting the wrong things in my heart and helping me see the right things. At first I would be confused and still want to agree with the other way because that was all I had known, but as I continued seeking God’s truth and His will in each issue, my understanding and confidence in God’s truth increased. I also was able to see the lies of the enemy and his purposes for these lies; to enslave God’s creation to self righteousness and self reliance. “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it.” Matthew 7:13-14
  I hope this example is similar to your walk with God as you are letting Him bring His Holy purification into each area of your life that is dishonoring to Him. As I said, this takes time and a great desire to be completely obedient to God and His will and His commands in His Word. I hope this is your desire, for “all the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of His covenant.” Psalm 25:10
“The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever. The ordinances of the Lord are sure and altogether righteous.” Psalm 19:9
“Depart, depart, go out from there! Touch no unclean thing! Come out from it and be pure, you who carry the vessels of the Lord. But you will not leave in haste or go in flight; for the Lord will go before you, the God of Israel will be your rear guard.” Isaiah 52:11
“Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.” 2 Corinthians 7:1
“For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly possessions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope – the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for Himself a people that are His very own, eager to do what is good.” Titus 2:11-14
  If you love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, above all else, He will lead you into a life of purity for His will and great purposes.
  We are starting the book of Nehemiah; we will be reading this book for three weeks.
Love and Blessings,

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Walking in Holiness

Hello Faithful Readers,
  What grace we all share as we live in a country that has been set apart by God, for God’s use. Yes, we all have struggles we are dealing with on a daily basis, but there is no doubt that we live in the greatest country in the world. Because of the great faithfulness of our first President, George Washington,  and his obedience to God, this country has experienced the hand of God over it ever since. Each of us as born again believers have a choice to walk each day in holiness, totally devoted and dedicated to God, set apart for His sacred use, or we can continue walking in the world and our old sinful ways. There is great peace and security for those who walk in holiness daily before God.
  Ezra was a Jewish scribe who was also a teacher of the Word of God. He dedicated his life to reading and applying God’s Word in his life and to teach others to do the same. His obedience to God and His Word made him very valuable to God. Ezra through his faithful actions was set apart and made holy by God. This meant that God could use him to help the Israelites return to walking holy before God. The impact Ezra made on the Israelites spiritual lives was great, and it was because he was called and trained by God for this task and because of his willingness to learn and apply God’s Word to everything he did.
  As born again believers, we are called to be holy and set apart for God’s special use, and set apart from sin and its influences. Even though we walk side by side with non-believers, it doesn’t mean we have to live as they live. When we are saved God sends His Holy Spirit to live in our hearts to help us desire to read God’s Word, so we can become holy and set apart for the special work God has planned for each of us. But if we are not making time daily to read God’s Word so it can be applied to our daily lives, we will not grow in holiness, and we will not have the great privilege to be set apart for God’s sacred work designed just for us. I hope you desire holiness and that you will apply the gifts God has given you, His Holy Word and the Holy Spirit living in you as you grow daily in holiness.
  We all have different stories to tell of when we were born again and started walking in the new life God gave us, through His Son Jesus Christ. But one thing I have noticed in all the stories as well as mine was that the day I received Jesus as my savior, I began reading God’s Word intently desiring to know what it all meant for my life. This was and still is the marvelous work of the Holy Spirit working in me. Even though this was opposed, my desire to read God’s Word was stronger and so in time, several years, I began to understand what being a Christian should look like and how to keep from falling prey to sinful influences in this world. I have to admit that I have six different copies of the Word of God, because there are great Bibles out these days that have different types of study tools in them to help in understanding and applying God’s Word. One of my favorite Bibles is called NIV Life Application Study Bible from Zondervan. I would highly recommend this type of study Bible because it is packed with life application notes from highly accredited Bible translators and teachers. There are several translations in the Life Application Study Bible type. I always felt it was like having a Pastor with me as I read the Bible. My life today is that of walking holy and dedicated to God and His plans for my life. I continue my desire to know Him and almost everyday I am still learning about Him and how He is continually sanctifying me daily to walk closer with Him. One thing I am learning right now is keeping Him with me all day long, seeking His wisdom and guidance in all that I do. Jesus keeps reminding me, “Rest in Me.” This is easier said than done at times because I am so used to doing it myself in my own strength, but that is not how God intended us to live our lives, in our own strength. His desire is for us to live our lives in His strength and that is how he makes us holy. We must stay humble before God and seek His face in all we do and God will grow us up into His precious few who are willing and able to do His will for His purposes.
  Won’t you join me today and devote yourself to desire the life God has for you? In order to receive that life we must first desire God with our whole hearts. We are able to let go of the pull of this world when we understand that this life is only a single breath, compared to eternity with God in heaven. Won’t you leave behind the possessions of this world that will fade away and can be destroyed, and start living for eternity in heaven where nothing fades away or is destroyed? When this way of life is understood in your heart, living holy and set apart for God becomes the most important thing in our life. This is true for me, how about you?
“As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: ‘Be holy, because I am holy.’” 1Peter 1:14-16
“I put this in human terms because you are weak in your natural selves. Just as you used to offer the parts of your body in slavery to impurity and to ever-increasing wickedness, so now offer them to slavery to righteousness and holiness.” Romans 6:19
“Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior. But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in His sight, without blemish and free from accusation – if you continue in your faith, established and firm, not moved from the hope held out in the gospel.” Colossians 1:21-22
“…I am the Lord, who makes you holy.” Exodus 31:13
  Walking each day in God’s holiness is a great privilege as His people who are set apart for His sacred use.
We will be reading Ezra for one more week.